US Government Secretly Expelled Chinese “Diplomats” After They Broke Onto US Naval Base

The US government has finally publicized that it expelled two Chinese diplomats who attempted to break onto the US naval base in Norfolk, Virginia. The two diplomats, at least one of whom was assumed to be an intelligence officer working under diplomatic cover, claimed not to understand guards’ instructions to turn around, leading guards on […]

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Why Is the Trump Administration Trying to Downplay the Pensacola Naval Base Shooting?

Last week saw a very sad situation unfold on the naval base in Pensacola, as three US servicemen were shot and killed by a Saudi Arabian military student. The shooter was eventually confronted by sheriff’s deputies and killed by them, but the Trump administration’s reaction to the shooting has been incredibly subdued, focusing more on […]

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Survival Ammunition: .300 Winchester Magnum

Ever since the development of gunpowder, men have been trying to create more and powerful weapons. With the advent of smokeless powder in the late 19th century, engineers, shooters, and cartridge designer similarly sought to create more and more powerful cartridges. The mid-20th century was perhaps the heyday of “magnum-itis,” with numerous powerful, flat-shooting, long-range […]

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Chile and Hong Kong Protests Highlight the Increasing Use of Drones, Cameras, and Lasers

Numerous countries around the world have been rocked by protests against government authorities. But while protesters in Chile, Hong Kong, and other areas may be protesting for different reasons, they do have one thing in common. Protesters are being observed by police using surveillance cameras and drones, and the protesters are fighting back against that […]

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